Internal/Special Projects
Overhead Recovery
Martindale将审查你们的内部程序,并提出建议,以确保根据你们的联合经营协议有效和正确地计算所欠的所有管理费用, production handling agreements, and other governing agreements. Our experience tells us that most operators undercharge one or more types of overhead; you should call us so you can be one of the few that recovers all overhead to which you are contractually entitled.
Severance Tax Analysis
Martindale将有能力和专业地协助您核实所有允许的扣除和豁免, file for past deductions and exemptions missed, and set up a system to ensure you pay only what you are legally required. Martindale随时了解有关费率的最新规则和规定, deductions, and exemptions allowed. Additionally, 我们核实为县或教区申报的收入和扣减额,以确定您所支付的税款或减免的有效性.
Gas Balancing
天然气平衡协议的条款和协议的数量一样多种多样, 多年来,我们进行了多次审查,使我们能够对不同的规定以及每项规定的好处和挑战有独特而广泛的了解. Martindale是一个理想的选择,可以帮助您设计一个系统来监测非作业者的气体不平衡, 或者帮助您设计一个系统,以便在作业时准确有效地计算气体不平衡.
很可能有很多次您需要招募临时资源来解决特定问题,但不知道谁可以为您的特定项目提供所需的专业知识. Martindale is who you need to call; our goal is to solve problems, it’s just what we do. We also place importance on providing a good fit for your team, 这样你终于可以完成这些你一直没能完成的特殊项目了.
With the fast pace of acquisitions, dispositions, accounting system changes, staffing turnover, regulatory requirement changes, and the endless number of other barriers blocking your progress, 你应该加入许多公司,他们明白借鉴Martindale处理特殊项目的经验是正确完成项目的方法, efficiently, and in a cost-effective manner.
From project-by-project to long-term staffing, Martindale provides knowledgeable, resourceful, and experienced personnel to help you achieve your goals.
- Oil and gas accounting systems, procedures, and setup
- 将新属性纳入系统或修改现有系统以适应新属性
- Gas balancing calculations
- Royalty payment setup
- Tubular reconciliations
- Respond to exceptions on operated properties
- Resolve exception backlogs
- Host non-operator audits
- Conduct physical inventories or reconcile inventory results
- Handle owner relations calls/staff a "call center"
- Joint interest billing collections
- Joint interest billing processing
- Analysis of vendor payables
Insurance Claims
我们已经协助许多公司和个人提交准确和完整的财产索赔, Builder’s Risk, catastrophe, 以及飓风损失,确保索赔包括所有符合条件的费用.
我们会彻底审查合同、所有内部和外部文件以及由您和物业运营商产生的费用, if applicable, 确保所有成本正确分类和量化,以最大限度地恢复.
Chargeability Reviews
您是否确信所有合同可计费的成本都是由您的不同物业和各种联合运营协议中的非运营商承担的? Is overhead billed properly? Is all overhead billed? Is all chargeable labor, employee and contractor, billed?
Do you have the resources, expertise, 以及确定贵公司是否完全遵守会计程序和经营协议的时间? Martindale执行了数千次审计,并参与起草了许多COPAS模型形式的会计程序,这些程序可能会管理您的财产. From simple and small operations to the expansive and complex, Martindale了解运营以及管理协议如何适用于各种情况,因为我们的许多员工都曾在独立和整合的公司工作过. We know what is contractually chargeable and what is not, 我们还知道经营者经常少收联名账户费用的常见领域.
If you have recently acquired properties, are developing new operations, or simply haven’t performed a chargeability review, 让Martindale来检查你的内部成本和协议,以确保你的账单都符合合同要求.
Due Diligence Assistance
有组织和执行的尽职调查审查是成功收购油气资产和矿产的关键. There are many aspects of a due diligence review including title work, operational analysis, reviewing outstanding litigation and environmental issues, and potential accounting issues. Martindale可以从合资企业或“COPAS”的角度,通过执行终止或关闭后的成本审查和结算,帮助评估潜在的交易, review existing operating agreements and accounting procedures, and analyze outstanding joint venture audit claims.
Whether an operated or non-operated property, 了解经营协议或会计程序中的独特语言或条款对于能够正确执行协议和了解可以收取和不可以收取哪些成本至关重要. Also, 公司需要在购销协议(PSA)中使用精确而清晰的语言,详细说明应如何处理某些类型的成本:
- 如何解决未解决的审计索赔,哪一方获得贷方?
- 哪一方在生效前有共同利益计费和收入审计权?
- 对于成本和收入的截止日期,PSA的语言是否足够清楚?
- There will likely be transitional accounting performed; is the PSA language clear enough as to the specific dates and time periods each party pays costs and is entitled to revenues?
- Ensure oil and gas revenues materially reflect actual sales transactions.
- Verify oil and gas production reported represents actual production.
- 确定联邦和各州租约中潜在的特许权使用费相关责任.
- Analyze high volume vendors, affiliates, and related-party transactions.
- Review fee royalty lease payment provisions and liabilities.